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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January Blues.

I'm home from school today because I have the January blues.  I have been putting in 12 hour days at school----I get there at 6:00 am and leave around 6:00 pm----and need a one day mental health break.  I have taken up knitting again to help me remain sane.  So, here is a pic of my lastest work.
I am a little over half done.  When it is finished, it will fit an adult medium head and will have a tassel that hangs from the top.  I am making it as a gift for one of the people I teach with.  I've also started another hat that I plan to give to whoever wants it.  Strangely enough, I don't have a hat for me.  I tend to give away everything that I make.


  1. you are GOOD at knitting. Love the colours and the pattern. Great work :)

  2. I want to learn how to knit but still haven't gotten my mind wrapped around the whole thing...yours looks great!
